Friday, May 3, 2024

InSession Film: Best movies of November 2013

We are starting a new blog segment, where we will be diving into the best movies of each month to go over what we’ve seen and what stood out. Our first month will be November of 2013, which was a great month. November is usually a good month for Oscar-buzz worthy films and this year was no different. It was arguably the best month for movies in 2013 as a whole and if you didn’t get a chance to see any of these films, you will need to. So to break it down, we are going to give our Top 5 movies for the month of November in 2013.

As a side note, there were a few films that have different release dates for limited releases vs wider releases, etc., so we based it off when we got the films here locally. There’s a lot to choose from but here’s some of the best of the month:

Hunger Games Catching Fire podcast5) The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
It’s rare that sequels are better than their predecessor’s or that even a movie adaptation is better than the book but The Hunger Games: Catching Fire surely came close if it didn’t. The intesnity level was high and the stakes were higher for Katniss and Peeta. Overall, it was shot well and added some great new character elements we didn’t see in the firs film. Everyone, from director down, upped their game for the sequel and it was a great stepping stone forward.

Philonmena review4) Philomena
Philomena is arguably the year’s best film that’s “based on a true story”. It’s charming, adorable and explores some really interesting themes and character beats. It’s the story of an old lady looking for closure on a secret she’s kept hidden for 50 years. Judi Dench and Steve Coogan are brilliant and the dynamics between the two of them shine wonderfully. This could be a film that slides through the cracks but if you get to see it, don’t miss that opportunity.

Robert Redford3) All is Lost
I would be shocked if Robert Redford isn’t nominated for an Oscar for his role in All is Lost. Redford portrays everything you’d need to know about this character in this situation without hardly saying a word. That’s pretty impressive. What Redford and directer J.C. Chandor accomplish is nothing short of incredible given what they are working with. It’s engaging, thrilling and speaks to something about the human spirit that is inspiring. Easily one of the year’s best indie films.

Dallas Buyers Club2) Dallas Buyer’s Club
Scott and I go back and forth on Dallas Buyers Club as a whole, but one thing is very clear. No one has turned their career around better in this generation than Matthew McConaughey. Both McConaughey and Jared Leto are unrecognizable and pull out the performances of their lifetime. Look for both to be nominated for Awards and don’t be surprised if either of them win. Yes, the story is a bit messy but it’s not too distracting and the performances more than make up for it. And the knowledge and awareness it brings to a tough situation during that time period is really great.

12 Years A Slave1) 12 Years A Slave
What can you say about this movie that hasn’t already been said? 12 Years A Slave is easily one of the best film’s of the year but also one of the hardest to watch as well. Chiwetel Ejiofor is absolutely incredible and has perhaps the best supporting cast around him that includes Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch and a small role by Brad Pitt. It’s not an easy film to sit through but on the other end, you’ll be glad you did. It’s moving, it’s powerful and a movie that will be talked about for a long time. A lot of Oscar and awards potential with this one in many different areas.

Other notables from November include Disney’s latest animated film Frozen, which in any other month would of easily of made this list. And for some people it still may as it’s the year’s best animated feature, arguably. Thor: The Dark World was a great sequel to the first Thor film and also The Avengers. I really wanted to put About Time on this list. I loved that movie and it’s perhaps in my Top 5 romantic “chic flicks” ever for me personally. However, it just doesn’t quite match up against the five on this list.

It was a pretty great month and December looks like it could be just as great or even better. What movies did you like in November? How does your list compare to ours?

JD Duran
JD Duran
InSession Film founder and owner. I love film. Love art. Love how it intersects with our real lives. My favorite movies include Citizen Kane, The 400 Blows, Modern Times, The Godfather and The Tree of Life. Follow me on Twitter @RealJDDuran. Follow us @InSessionFilm.

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    • Yeah it’s fantastic! It’s kind of hard to sit through in some scenes but the performances are incredible and it’s a heck of a ride.

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