Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Tag: festival

Movie Review (Sundance): ‘Knocking’ Shows Paranoia on a Small Scale

Director: Frida Kempff Writers: Emma Broström Stars: Cecilia Milocco, Albin Grenholm, Ville Virtanen Synopsis: A coming of age psychological thriller that plays out the unsettling reality of a kid who holds his family captive in a...

Movie Review: “Falling” is an Effective Drama in Need of More Complexity

Director: Viggo Mortensen Writer: Viggo Mortensen Stars: Viggo Mortensen, Lance Henriksen, Sverrir Gudnason, Laura Linney, Hannah Gross Synopsis: When 80-year-old independent farmer Willis travels to Los Angeles for an indefinite stay with son John and...

Movie Review (LFF): ‘200 Meters’ is a Tense, Well-Scripted Drama

Director: Ameen Nayfeh Writer: Ameen Nayfeh Stars: Ali Suliman, Anna Unterberger, Lana Zreik Synopsis: A Palestinian father trapped on the other side of the separation wall is trying to reach the hospital for his son. Mustafa...

Movie Review (LFF): ‘Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets’ is an Exhausting but Rewarding Documentary

Director: Bill Ross IV, Turner Ross Synopsis: Patrons and staff enjoy their last night in a Las Vegas bar that's shutting down. An old man wakes at the bar mid-morning and recites Shakespeare as...

Movie Review (LFF): ‘Shadow Country’ is an Affecting Look at a Damaged Community

Director: Bohdan Sláma Writer: Ivan Arsenjev Stars: Magdaléna Borová, Cyril Drozda, Csongor Kassai Synopsis: How to reconcile with killings committed by your own neighbors? How to face growing evil that nobody stands against? What can...

Movie Review (LFF): ‘Stray’ is Strong, Subtle Filmmaking – to a Fault

Director: Elizabeth Lo Synopsis: The world of Zeytin, a stray dog living life on the streets of Istanbul. Perspective is important when crafting a narrative, even a documentary one, and while Elizabeth Lo‘s film...

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