Monday, May 6, 2024

Classic Reviews

Classic Movie Review: ‘Harvey’ – Because We All Need a Pooka Right Now

Mild-mannered Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) opens doors, buys drinks for everyone, and invites one and all for a chat before introducing them to Harvey, a seven-foot invisible pooka rabbit that only...

Classic Film Review: ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’ Illustrates the Politician We Deserve

The year was 1939. Hitler was in power, Britain just declared war with Germany, and the United States was playing jump rope with the possibility of going to war. So upon hearing...

Classic Film Review: ‘The Candidate’ is an Eerily-Relevant 1970s Satire

Shortly after I watched The Candidate for the second time in a month, I watched the final presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Though the debate in the film is...

Classic Movie Review: ‘Serenity’ Turns 15

It would be understandable if Joss Whedon had a strong dislike for the folks over at Fox. After all, they canceled not one but two of his shows, amid contentious reasoning that...

Classic Film Review: “It’s Not Like My Mother is a Maniac:” ‘Psycho’ Turns 60

Where do you begin a discussion on Psycho in 2020? The iconic film from Alfred Hitchcock has long been dissected and reappraised. The iconic Shower Scene alone spawned a 90-minute documentary, 78/52,...

Classic Film Review: Back in Time – A Retrospective on ‘Back to the Future’

There are many aspects required to make a good film: the acting, the production, and the editing, to name only a few. However, the film has to start with a script, and...

