As is the case with several other Movie Series we’ve done, Kurosawa is a blindspot (more so for JD than Brendan) for us that we needed to remedy. Noted as one of the most important and influential filmmakers of all-time, Kurosawa has 30 films to his name, many of them considered masterpieces by the majority of critics and audiences. For this series, we are going to do our best to cover as many of them as possible and dive right into how these films changed the landscape of cinema. Follow along and we hope you enjoy this series as much as we do.
Rashomon, 1950
Listen to our review below as heard on Episode 266.
Ikiru, 1952
Listen to our review below as heard on Episode 267.
Seven Samurai, 1954
Listen to our review below as heard on Episode 268.
The Hidden Fortress, 1958
Listen to our review below as heard on Episode 269.
Yojimbo, 1961 / Sanjuro, 1962
Listen to our review below as heard on Episode 270.
Ran, 1985
Listen to our review below as heard on Episode 273.
High and Low, 1963
Listen to our review below as heard on Episode 274.
We are pretty excited for this series, it could end up being one of our most insightful yet. Be sure to leave any feedback in the comment section below or hit us up on social media!