Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Featured Posts

Movie Poll: Will The Wolverine be better than Origins: Wolverine?

Well, to me this question is pretty obvious given the fact that X-Men Origins: Wolverine has to be the worst comic-book movie ever made, but I figured we'd still ask. There is...

Featured: Five best movies of 2013 so far

This last week on the InSession Film Podcast, we finished off the show talking about the best movies so far in 2013. Well if you listen to it, we went over some...

Contest: Win a Blu-ray or DVD of your choice!

Win a Blu-ray or DVD of your choice! It's very easy to enter! 1) Listen to the latest InSession Film Podcast - Episode 21. Click here to listen. - You can also find our podcast...

Movie Poll: What is the scariest movie of all-time?

With The Conjuring coming out this week, we thought we'd take a look into some of the scariest movies of all-time. Nate is really excited for this and he's been looking forward...

Featured: Why The Lone Ranger should be 20 min long

This last week on the InSession Film Podcast, we reviewed The Lone Ranger and for the most part we picked it apart like most people have. The first two hours are boring,...

Movie Poll: Which robot movie is your favorite?

With the anticipation of Pacific Rim this week (it's killing me!), we thought we'd ask, what's your favorite robot movie? There's a ton of them out there so vote and let us...

Featured: Podcast Episode 19 explains why White House Down is better

This last week on the InSession Film Podcast, Nate and I reviewed White House Down and we couldn't help but compare it to Olympus Has Fallen. They literally has the same premise...

Movie Poll: Who is the best sidekick in film?

This week in preparation for The Lone Ranger, one that we're not exactly too excited for, which hits theaters we're asking which movie sidekick is the best. Tonto has been a pretty...

