This week on the InSession Film Podcast, we discussed the latest disaster flick to hit the big screen, San Andreas. Disaster movies have been a fun popcorn staple since the 70’s and the genre has seen some pretty awesome films over the years. Sure, some of them are cheesy and aren’t exactly “great”, but it doesn’t lessen the fun a lot of them have been. And that’s what these films are for, right? So, we had a lot of good films to choose from and we came up with some great lists we hope you enjoy.
That being said, what disaster movies would make your list? Here are the one’s that made ours (Keep in mind we all have different criteria for our lists as well):
1) Titanic
2) The Towering Inferno
3) Armageddon
1) Twister
2) Armageddon
3) Vertical Limit
1) The China Syndrome
2) The Towering Inferno
3) The Andromeda Strain
Honorable Mentions (Combined)
The Poseidon Adventure, Independence Day, Contagion, The Perfect Storm, Gravity, Deep Impact, Godzilla (’54)
Hopefully you guys enjoyed our lists and if you agree or disagree with us, let us know in the comment section below. There’s obviously a ton of other options for these lists that we didn’t have time to discuss. And that being said, what would be your Top 3? Leave a comment in the comment section or email us at [email protected].
For the entire podcast, click here or listen below.
For more lists done by the InSession Film crew and other guests, be sure see our Top 3 Movie Lists page.