This week on the InSession Film Podcast, we reviewed the latest installment of the web-slinger, The Amazing Spider-Man 2. If you’ve seen Spidey 2 or if you heard the news surrounding this film, you’ll know that the movie was full of bad guys with the intentions of villain spin-off movies that will eventually lead to a Sinister Six film. I will say, if handled well, that could be pretty cool. However, since Sony is set on bad guy heaven, we decided to look into our Top 3 Comic Book Movie Villains, which was a lot of fun scouring through nostalgia figuring out which villains have made an impression over the years. And let me tell you, there’s a lot of good one’s (pun intended) to choose from.
That being said, what movie villains would make your list? Here are the one’s that made ours:
1) Loki – Thor / The Avengers
2) Doc Ock – Spider-Man 2
3) The Shredder – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I & II
1) Norman Osbourne – Spider-Man
2) Loki – Thor / The Avengers
3) Yellow Basterd – Sin City
1) Rocky – Superman II
2) The Mandarin – Iron Man 3
3) Iron Fist – We Are The Best
Honorable Mentions (Combined)
The Abomination – The Incredible Hulk, Winter Soldier – Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Joker – Batman, Joker – The Dark Knight, The Penguin – Batman Returns, Magneto – X-Men/X-Men: First Class, Ma-Ma – Dredd
Hopefully you guys enjoyed our lists and if you agree or disagree with us, let us know in the comment section below. Perhaps we left out a favorite of yours? A lot of people liked Bane from The Dark Knight Rises as well or maybe even Electro from The Amazing Spider-Man 2. So, what would be your Top 3? Leave a comment in the comment section or email us at [email protected].
For the entire podcast, click here or listen below.
For more lists done by the InSession Film crew and other guests, be sure see our Top 3 Movie Lists page.