Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Podcast: Inside Out, Top 3 Pixar Moments – Episode 122

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This week on the InSession Film Podcast, Josh Larsen from Filmspotting and Larsen On Film joins us to discuss Pixar’s latest film, Inside Out, as well as our Top 3 Pixar Moments, which felt like an impossible task. We also finish off the show by ranking all of the Pixar films, which created some interesting banter as well.

Josh was a wonderful guest as always and we were honored to have him back on the show. If you’re not listening to Filmspotting you should, it’s one of the best shows out there and Josh is a great addition to that show. You can also listen to Josh’s first appearance on our show, where we discussed Listen Up Philip last year on our Extra Film Podcast.

Anyway, check out this week’s show and let us know what you think in the comment section. Thanks for listening and thanks for supporting our podcast!

Inside Out Movie Review (6:14)
    JD: A+
    Brendan: A
    Josh: A-

Top 3 Pixar Moments (46:29)
Is there any question that Pixar is the king of animation? Perhaps Studio Ghibli gives Pixar a run for their money, but as far as American studios are considered, it’s obviously the best. Sure, Pixar hasn’t been on their A-game over the last five years or so, but they have far more wins in the win column than losses. There are soooo many moments to choose from, making this list impossible but we still came up with some great lists despite the challenge. That being said, what would be your Top 3?

Top 3 Sponsor: First Time Watchers Podcast


RELATED: Listen to Episode 121 of the InSession Film Podcast where we discussed Jurassic World!


– Ranking Pixar (1:27:54)

As we finish our Pixar Movie Series with Inside Out this week and of course discussing our favorite Pixar moments, we figured to cap this off right, we’d rank all the Pixar films and compare our different rankings. This led to a really fun discussion on why Josh likes Brave more than most, why JD needed to defend Monsters University and how Brendan is incredibly long winded (that’s a good thing).

How would you rank the Pixar films?

– Music

    Bundle of Joy – Michael Giacchino
    Married Life – Michael Giacchino
    WALL-E – Thomas Newman
    The Return of the Eagle – Atli Örvarsson

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InSession Film Podcast – Episode 122


Next week on the show:

    Main Review – Ted 2

    Top 5 – Films of the Year (so far)

Ted 2


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JD Duran
JD Duran
InSession Film founder and owner. I love film. Love art. Love how it intersects with our real lives. My favorite movies include Citizen Kane, The 400 Blows, Modern Times, The Godfather and The Tree of Life. Follow me on Twitter @RealJDDuran. Follow us @InSessionFilm.

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  1. WoW… I couldn’t be more disappointed with this review, but in honer to the true my husband agreed with you, so I am going to assume that the over look of the MOST important island of personality is a “guys” thing (reason why you need a woman to balance the podcast). Soon after we got out o Inside out my husband pointed how sad was looking “Goofy Island”, but the true is Raylie got back all her island BUT Honesty island… thats the one that represent the lost of her innocence and was completely over view… friendship island got back on: greater and expanding!… family island stronger than ever and same with hockey island… but honesty island, yhe one that really matter is down forever. .. Raylie will NEVER be daddy’s or mommy’s baby… she will never be honest to the fault or innocent beyond reasonable!…. thats the truly sad moment of the movie (FANTASTIC movie). But on top of that you guys under rate BRAVE… the story of a young girl that don’t want to depend on a men, that wants to be her own been, powerful and independent… I am guessing none of you have young daughters… this is the ONLY princess that is not a whimp!, that is not hopping for a men to make hard happy buy that wants to be happy on her own!… (notice that Mulan is not a princess at all and Tirana is not princess untill she gets married)… so I am hurt by the fact that her will and independence rank her at the bottom with car 2!. No cool!!!. (PS: I love you guys… you rock… but this 2 over views were awful as a mother of 2, specially being a little girl one of them.) -sorry for some gramatical mistakes, english is my second language.)

    • Hey Erikita, thanks for the comment! And that’s a fair point about honesty island, and your right that it set in motion for the rest of them to fall. I think for me, and it’s all subjective, that I was more engrossed in other themes of how our emotions are connected, how memories we cherish fade and how as parents, it’s tough to watch your child experience that. At the core of it (for me), Riley lost her goofiness and her honesty because she simply struggled moving and didn’t know how to handle it emotionally. And it was her dishonesty and sadness that was needed, for this joyous moment to come after the fact. And that to me, is why I was so moved by the movie. But you make a good point that honesty island falling, was the first domino to fall and led to other events. As for Brave, the points you make about her being her own woman and not being a whimp, I agree with you. That’s not the issue for me. It’s more of the script in the 2nd half and the humor for me was pretty flat. But that’s not a knock on you or anyone who liked that film, heck our guest Josh had it ranked much higher than we did. It’s just not one we enjoyed, but it’s all subjective and I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for listening to the show too and thanks for the feedback! We really appreciate it!

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