Tuesday, February 18, 2025

List: Top 5 Movies of 2018 (so far)

This week on Episode 280 of the InSession Film Podcast, as we do every year at this time, we discussed our Top 5 movies of the year so far. 2018 – for us anyway – was a pretty rich first half. Sure, its had a few blemishes, but overall it’s had a great mix of both mainstream and indie films – perhaps even some of the best we’ll see all year. This exercise, while somewhat stressful, is always fun and we had a blast discussing the five films that have stood out to us so far this year. On that note, what movies would make your list?

Here are the one’s that made ours:


1) You Were Never Really Here
2) First Reformed
3) Hearts Beat Loud
4) Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
5) Avengers: Infinity War

6) Lean on Pete
7) Paddington 2
8) Annihilation
9) Thoroughbreds
10) Beast



1) The Rider
2) First Reformed
3) Paddington 2
4) Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
5) Isle of Dogs

6) You Were Never Really Here
7) Loveless
8) Annihilation
9) Hereditary
10) Revenge

Honorable Mentions (Combined)

A Quiet Place, The Tale, American Animals, A Fantastic Woman, Black Panther, Tully, Incredibles 2, Deadpool 2, On Body and Soul, The Death of Stalin, Disobedience, Cargo, First Match, Red Sparrow, Love, Simon, Ocean’s 8

Hopefully you guys enjoyed our lists and if you agree or disagree with us, let us know in the comment section below. This list is obviously going to differ based on your own personal taste and what you’re looking for in these films. That being said, what would be your Top 5? Leave a comment in the comment section or email us at [email protected].

For the entire podcast, click here or listen below.

For more lists done by the InSession Film crew and other guests, be sure see our Top 3 Movie Lists page.

JD Duran
JD Duranhttps://insessionfilm.com
InSession Film founder and owner. I love film. Love art. Love how it intersects with our real lives. My favorite movies include Citizen Kane, The 400 Blows, Modern Times, The Godfather and The Tree of Life. Follow me on Twitter @RealJDDuran. Follow us @InSessionFilm.

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