This week on Episode 282 of the InSession Film Podcast, inspired by Boots Riley’s wild Sorry to Bother You, we decided to talk about our favorite movies about corporate America. There are countless films to tackle this subject, and depending on which areas you want to focus on, it could go in several different directions. That is to say, there weren’t a shortage of films to choose for our lists and hopefully we came up with some interesting films to talk about. On that note, what movies would make your list? Here are the one’s that made ours:
(Note: Please keep in mind that we each had different criteria for our selections)
1) Network
2) Social Network
3) The Big Short
1) The Apartment
2) Up in the Air
3) Glengarry Glen Ross
1) Burn After Reading
2) Office Space
3) The Wolf of Wall Street
Honorable Mentions (Combined)
They Live, Wallstreet, Citizen Kane, Metropolis, His Girl Friday, Boiler Room, Michael Clayton, Trading Places, The Insider, Thank You for Smoking, Killing Them Softly, American Psycho, Steve Jobs, Working Girl, Saving Mr. Banks, Moneyball, Moon, Inside Job, Margin Call, Robocop, Tommy Boy
Hopefully you guys enjoyed our lists and if you agree or disagree with us, let us know in the comment section below. As noted above, this list could go in several directions depending on your criteria, and we’re sure we accidentally overlooked many other films. That being said, what would be your Top 3? Leave a comment in the comment section or email us at [email protected].
For the entire podcast, click here or listen below.
For more lists done by the InSession Film crew and other guests, be sure see our Top 3 Movie Lists page.