Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Paul "Hurricane" Hawkins


Featured: You Haven’t Seen… Raiders Of The Lost Ark?!?

Well, here we are again. It’s taken way too long but now I’m back. From outer space. Okay, obviously not but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to say that. So, it’s probably...

Featured: I Remember… ‘Wild Wild West’

Well, I’m back! I know, I know, you haven’t missed me in the slightest. That’s ok, I wouldn’t miss me either. But never-the-less, I have returned. And this time I’m doing another...

Featured: I Remember… Jungle 2 Jungle

I was sitting on my bed this morning, feeding my 2.5-month old daughter while my wife watched The Santa Clause. And since it is still the month of insert-festive-celebration-of-your-choice-here, I figured I’d...

Featured: You Haven’t Seen… Die Hard?!?

Hello again, and welcome to a very special article for me. In my previous review, I covered a part of my childhood (Jumanji) that held a very special place in my heart....

Featured: Jumanji – A Review From The Darkest Wild

Hello one and all, and welcome to the first in (what I hope) will be a long line of reviews I post on this site. But before I get ahead of myself,...

Paul "Hurricane" Hawkins
