Friday, May 3, 2024

Featured: Anticipating Martin Scorsese’s Silence

If you’re a film fan, there is no doubt that Martin Scorsese is a filmmaker that means something to you on some level. From Goodfellas to Taxi Driver to The Departed, he’s made some of the best films of all-time. He’s simply one of the best directors working today and it’s easy to get excited each time he has a new film coming out. Silence is different though. It isn’t delving into the debauchery of The Wolf of Wall Street or the Mob controlled streets in Goodfellas. Silence is more intimate and contemplative Scorsese. Silence is about a man (Mr. Scorsese himself) trying to figure out his faith in a world that is violent, corrupt and full of tragedy. Subjectively speaking, I would take that any day of the week over the films mentioned above.

Don’t get me wrong, I like those films as well, especially Taxi Driver (in my Top 20 of all-time). However, I can relate with Scorsese in terms of faith and struggling to understand it at times. And while I haven’t read Shūsaku Endō’s novel, I am very familiar with it and what it’s about. The way Endō tackles notions of God and persecution is fascinating, and it’s easy to see how that source material would perfectly emulate Scorsese’s (and a lot of people I would think) conflict of faith. I think as a result, on paper at least, Silence plays directly into the strengths of Scorsese as a filmmaker. The thematic undercurrent points directly into something he’s passionate about, while at the same time, this story’s persecution and violence allows him to play in an aesthetic playground that he’s made a career out of. As someone who is intrigued by faith and how people respond to it, and is a fan of Scorsese, that couldn’t sound more exciting.

Additionally, Silence features the likes of Liam Neeson, Andre Garfield and Adam Driver. Three great actors that I’m always excited to see on screen. Ironically, and interestingly, all three have different films currently out in theaters in A Monster Calls, Hacksaw Ridge and Paterson. And they are fantastic in those respective films. I have no doubt they are wonderful in Silence as well, accents aside. On top of that, Issei Ogata is a name that has been thrown around for Best Supporting Actor. Our good friend Matt Neglia from Next Best Picture had him slated for a potential Oscar nomination for his role here. Regardless of how that shakes out, the fact that he was in the conversation is saying something.

Silence is a movie that won’t appeal to everyone, even some Scorsese fans, but it’s one I’m dying to see. In so many ways, it feels quintessential Scorsese. If the film lands for me the way I’m hoping it will, it could end up being in my Top 3 for Scorsese films, despite his great filmography.

What about you? Are you excited for Silence?


Here’s what else you can expect this weekend at the box office:

Patriots Day

Live By Night
Monster Trucks
The Bye-Bye Man
The Book of Love (limited)

JD Duran
JD Duran
InSession Film founder and owner. I love film. Love art. Love how it intersects with our real lives. My favorite movies include Citizen Kane, The 400 Blows, Modern Times, The Godfather and The Tree of Life. Follow me on Twitter @RealJDDuran. Follow us @InSessionFilm.

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