This week on the InSession Film Podcast, we feature our 10th annual InSession Film Awards! During Part 1, we discuss the very best that 2022 had to offer in terms of surprises, overlooked movies, the best acting performances and so much more when it comes to the film year.
Stay tuned for Part 2, where we discuss our Top 10 Movies of 2022.
Want to participate with our Awards show? Go to our Preview post and download the Awards Category sheet, fill it out with your nominees, and winners and as you listen to the show, see how your picks stack up against ours!
– InSession Film Awards 2022 (3:50)
Individual Special Awards
Best Movie Discovery
Best Surprise Actor/Actress
Best Surprise Movie
Best Overlooked Movie
Best Opening/Closing Credits Sequence or Scene
Best Use of Song (Original or Pre-Existing)
Best Original Score
Best Animated Movie
Best Foreign Language Film
Best Documentary
Best Cinematography
Best Adapted Screenplay
Best Original Screenplay
Best Director
Best Actress Supporting Role
Best Actor Supporting Role
Best Actress
Best Actor
*See a list of all of our nominees and winners here!
Special thanks to all of our friends who called in and gave us their top movies of 2021!
Kolby Mac – Kolby Told Me
Tim Costa – First Time Watchers
Aaron White – Feelin’ Film
Jacob Throneberry – Oscars Central
Sophia Ciminello – Oscars Wild
Mike1 / AlsoMike – Mike & Mike & Oscar
Nicole Ackman – Oscars Central
2022 is arguably the best year in film of the decade thus far and its no coincidence given that it’s most removed from COVID. Perhaps it took a little while to get going, but once the year was unleashed we were drowning in great films. 2022 saw some of the best blockbusters we’ve seen in years with Top Gun: Maverick and Avatar: The Way of Water leading the charge in the U.S. Meanwhile, RRR has take the international scene by storm with its incredible bombastic spectacle. As usual, it was a great year for indie gems and international features. 2022 is maybe the best year for animated films since 2014. Overall, it was just a really deep year. The vast amount of films that could be fighting for a top spot is remarkable, and it certainly made for a very satisfying experience at the movies.
Do you agree or disagree with any of our picks? Let us know in the comment section below.
– Music
Voodoo Mama – Justin Hurwitz
The Return of the Eagle – Atli Örvarsson
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InSession Film Podcast – Episode 516 (Part 1)
Next week on the show:
Main Review: TBD
Top 5: Most Anticipated 2023
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