This week on Episode 192 of the InSession Film Podcast, we discussed Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, starring the always great Tom Cruise. Cruise is a superstar that people either love or hate. Okay, “hate” is perhaps a strong word but either way, it seems there is a fence when it comes to Cruise. If you ask us, we find him to be a solid actor with some really fantastic performances on his resume. As a result, he has some of the most iconic movie quotes of recent memory. For our show this week, we dive into those quotes and discuss how they reflect the greatness that is Tom Cruise.
On that note, which Cruise movie quotes would make your list? Here are the one’s that made ours:
*Keep in mind we have different criteria for our lists as well*
1) ““I am not going to cry…I’m not gonna cry for you!” – Magnolia
2) “First, take a big step back… and literally, F*** YOUR OWN FACE! I don’t know what kind of pan-pacific bullshit power play you’re trying to pull here, but Asia Jack is my territory. So whatever you’re thinking, you’d better think again! Otherwise I’m gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an un-Godly f***ing firestorm upon you! You’re gonna have to call the f***ing United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from f***ing destroying you. I’m talking scorched earth, motherf***er! I will massacre you! I WILL F*** YOU UP!” – Tropic Thunder
3) “You don’t have time to think up there. If you think, you’re dead!” – Top Gun
1) “No dream is ever just a dream.” – Eyes Wide Shut
2) “First, take a big step back… and literally, F*** YOUR OWN FACE! I don’t know what kind of pan-pacific bullshit power play you’re trying to pull here, but Asia Jack is my territory. So whatever you’re thinking, you’d better think again! Otherwise I’m gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an un-Godly f***ing firestorm upon you! You’re gonna have to call the f***ing United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from f***ing destroying you. I’m talking scorched earth, motherf***er! I will massacre you! I WILL F*** YOU UP!” – Tropic Thunder
3) “Don’t get me cornered, you don’t have the trunk space.” – Collateral
Honorable Mentions (Combined)
“I fought for my country, I’m a Vietnam veteran!” – Born on the Fourth of July
“Help me, help you!” – Jerry Maguire
“Evildoers are easier, and they taste better.” – Interview with a Vampire
Ray singing lullaby – War of the Worlds
“I want the truth!” – A Few Good Men
“You complete me” – Jerry Maguire
“Show me the money!” – Jerry Maguire
“Porsche, there is no substitute.” – Risky Business
“College women can smell ignorance, like dogshit.” – Risky Business
Hopefully you guys enjoyed our lists and if you agree or disagree with us, let us know in the comment section below. Tom Cruise has been making movies for a very long time now, so clearly there are a thousand of other quotes that could have easily made these lists. That being said, what would be your Top 3? Leave a comment in the comment section or email us at [email protected].
For the entire podcast, click here or listen below.
For more lists done by the InSession Film crew and other guests, be sure see our Top 3 Movie Lists page.