Monday, February 17, 2025

List: Top 10 Movies of 2008

This week on Episode 209 of the InSession Film Podcast, we continued our year-by-year retrospectives by taking a look at 2008. Coming off the heels of 2007, which some would argue is one of the best years in the modern era for film, 2008 could feel like a let down. However, it was a massive year for film overall. Mainstream Hollywood especially had an incredible year. The superhero genre took the world by storm, it was a fantastic year for comedies and also a significant year for foreign films. So, there was a lot to choose from for a Top 10 list and we conjured some great films for this discussion.

On #209 we only discussed our Top 5 movies of 2008, so be sure to listen to the show to hear us discuss why these particular films were the very best of that year. However, as you’ll see below, we have listed our full Top 20 lists from 2008.


1) Wendy and Lucy
2) Wall-E
3) Synecdoche, New York
4) Hunger
5) Rachel Getting Married
6) The Dark Knight
7) Frozen River
8) Let the Right One In
9) In Bruges
10) Man on Wire

11) I’ve Loved You So Long
12) Shotgun Stories
13) The Wrestler
14) Tropic Thunder
15) Waltz with Bashir
16) Frost/Nixon
17) Forgetting Sarah Marshall
18) Flight of the Red Balloon
19) Happy-Go-Lucky
20) Iron Man


1) The Wrestler
2) Synecdoche, New York
3) Wall-E
4) 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
5) Let the Right One In
6) Hunger
7) In Bruges
8) I’ve Loved You So Long
9) Wendy and Lucy
10) The Dark Knight

11) Frozen River
12) Man on Wire
13) Forgetting Sarah Marshall
14) The Class
15) Rachel Getting Married
16) Frost/Nixon
17) Vicky Cristina Barcelona
18) Shotgun Stories
19) A Christmas Tale
20) Iron Man


1) Let the Right One In
2) The Wrestler
3) Man on Wire
4) Wendy and Lucy
6) Synecdoche, New York
7) In Bruges
8) Rachel Getting Married
9) Forgetting Sarah Marshal
10) Pntypool

Hopefully you guys enjoyed our lists and if you agree or disagree with us, let us know in the comment section below. Clearly there are a lot of other contenders from 2008 that battled for our lists, that just missed the cut. That being said, what would be your Top 10? Leave a comment in the comment section or email us at [email protected].

For the entire podcast, click here or listen below.

For more lists done by the InSession Film crew and other guests, be sure see our Top 3 Movie Lists page.

JD Duran
JD Duran
InSession Film founder and owner. I love film. Love art. Love how it intersects with our real lives. My favorite movies include Citizen Kane, The 400 Blows, Modern Times, The Godfather and The Tree of Life. Follow me on Twitter @RealJDDuran. Follow us @InSessionFilm.

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