Friday, January 24, 2025

Movie Series

Podcast: Transformers Movie Series

Michael Bay has become a punchline to many people over the years, but given the fact that his movies make bonkers money, there's still a lot of others that still enjoy his...

Podcast: Wes Anderson Movie Series

Wes Anderson has cultivated a very unique style over the years, which makes him one of the more compelling directors we see today. His style may have divided people, but whether you...

Podcast: Football Movie Series

Football season is among us and what a better time to discuss some of the better football movies that are out there that we've seen and a few we haven't. In this...

Podcast: Recent Historical Figures Movie Series

With Jobs coming out in the next month and a movie that looks to be pretty interesting, we decided to dive into some other great and amazing biopics on figures that have...

Podcast: Guillermo Del Toro Movie Series

Pacific Rim has been on of the most anticipated movies of the summer and we're pretty excited for it. So we decided we would get more familiar with its' director, Guillermo Del...

Podcast: Before Trilogy Movie Series

With Before Midnight coming out May 24th, we decided to look into and review the Before Trilogy, which is one of the best trilogies out there. In this series, we'll review Richard...

Podcast: Baz Luhrmann Movie Series

The first series in our InSession Movie Series is Baz Luhrmann. Neither Matthew, Nate or I have seen much of his work before and with the excitement of The Great Gatsby coming...

