Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Podcast: Boyhood – Extra Film

This week on the InSession Film Podcast: Extra Film segment, Jairo from the True Bromance Podcast joins us and we have lengthy but in-depth and really fun conversation about Richard Linklater’s Boyhood. We do go a little long for an Extra Film review, but we promise, it’s worth your time as we dive head first into this incredible film. We hope you enjoy it!

Huge apologies for the show being super long for an Extra Film, but there’s so much to discuss regarding Boyhood, and we just had a blast. Jairo was a super awesome guest and we couldn’t recommend his show enough, definitely go check it out. Also, just a reminder to go check out Episode 78 where we review The Giver and discuss our Top 3 Robin Williams Moments.

Anyway, we hope you have fun listening to this week’s Extra Film segment. Check out the show and let us know what you think in the comment section below. Hope you enjoy and thanks for listening!

Boyhood Movie Review (6:26)
    JD: A
    Brendan: A+
    Jairo: A

– Music

    Deep Blue – Arcade Fire
    The Return of the Eagle – Atli Örvarsson

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Boyhood – Extra Film


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JD Duran
JD Duran
InSession Film founder and owner. I love film. Love art. Love how it intersects with our real lives. My favorite movies include Citizen Kane, The 400 Blows, Modern Times, The Godfather and The Tree of Life. Follow me on Twitter @RealJDDuran. Follow us @InSessionFilm.

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  1. I really took away something different from that scene where Mason comes home late and Dad number 3 questions him. Yes I agree his reasoning is legit, and his questions are not out of line. Mason’s reactions are troublesome, but I wouldn’t say they make him unlikable they perfectly fit his station.. This is the third guy who has come in their life to try to play the role of dad. We saw what happened last time, and some of those issues are getting repeated here. Someone who started out well enough but now is drinking heavily and clearly has issues with Mason and is trying to control him in nearly every way. Mason does not respect him because Mason just sees another guy who will come and go. Another guy who is one bad day away from doing what the last guy did.

    Also the film is full of situations where Mason is being given advice on who he should be and how he should act, but what I think Linklater does well is show us those moments only mean something when the intent behind those words is key. Army Dad’s issues are coming from a place of spite not of caring. There is something about Mason he doesn’t like. His words to Mason are not designed to benefit Mason but to benefit himself. He uses Mason coming home late as just a vice to claim his authority, not as moment to try to help Mason for the better.

    You also have the moment in the darkroom. I think this spot is a little more middle ground. The teacher’s advice isn’t necessarily wrong, but that teacher never does one key thing and that is listen. It is again getting Mason to fit into what the teacher wants not what Mason wants. Oddly enough the one person besides his father that seems to get through to him is his manager at the restaurant. Its telling that Mason actually invites him to his graduation party. As silly as what that guy was saying it was evident he did actually want what is best for Mason. The others were just speaking hallow words for the most part.

    • Also regarding the situation with Patricia at the restaurant with the former construction worker I thought she played it perfectly. Being in education and my wife being an amazing teacher too I’ve been though that situation a few times and that is exactly how you play it. You don’t make that moment about you, because it’s their moment as much as your own. Most often it’s just a simple thank you very much I appreciate that, or you put the onus back on the person saying it was them more so than you. She’s also a teacher so chances are just dealt with situation previously. Not that it gets old just that the reaction is nearly never as big as most movies make it seem. It’s usually not till after it happens that it really hits you. Personally I wasn’t a fan of that moment because it felt manufactured, but my issues had nothing to do with Patricia.

      • Yeah I get that, but to me, it wasn’t that she gave a simple thank you as much as she just seem like she didn’t care. If I was the manager, I almost would’ve been heartbroken. This person changed your life, you say thank you, and then she acts like it’s no big deal. And maybe I’m just looking at it from the manager’s perspective, but if it was me, I would’ve been a little disappointed. I like the idea that you make it about the other person, but in my opinion, I think being enthusiastic about it is making it about them because by you getting excited, you’re telling them that you are super happy for them. I’m not saying she had to jump up and throw her hands in the air and start hugging him like there’s no tomorrow. Lol But a little more excitement would’ve gone a long way. At least if it was me in that position.

    • Thanks for the comment Dan. However, I’m gonna have to disagree with you completely. He may have been the third dad, but we only saw one scene where he was “drinking heavily” or that it was even a factor at all. In fact, in most instances when we saw the Army Dad, he was nice to Mason. Even if he didn’t completely like him, not once did Linklater show us that he didn’t care for him and he had a right to instill some discipline in his house. I get that Mason has had some issues before, and has a right to be cautious, but on screen we never saw any real reason for Mason to react that way. I was a 1000% on the Army Dad side. Perhaps it’s becuase my teen years we’re very different than his, but in that moment Mason was incredibly disrespectful and didn’t care that he was. To me, it didn’t serve the character well. And even if you’re right about Army Dad’s motives, he was still nice to Mason (at least what we saw on screen) and even “drunk”, he was never over the line. As the “parent”, he has a right to try to claim authority, it’s his house. And Mason didn’t care.

      As for the darkroom chat, I didn’t completely hate the scene, I actually thought it was well done. And I agree about the teacher not listening, but I got the vibe that wasn’t the first time they had that conversation. The teacher more or less walks in and starts his speech out of disappointment because he knows Masons potential. And again I completely disagree, I think getting Mason to do his homework is not what’s important. The teacher knows that by doing his homework he’s being responsible and he goes on to say that responsibility and hard work goes a long way. To which Mason says that he does work hard. But not at the things that matter. I think the teacher was trying to get to the core of the matter, and that’s that Mason has a lot of potential and he just didn’t want to see Mason throw that away. That’s anything but hallow words to me. But Mason’s lethargic attitude and response is a HUGE turn off for me.

      The only reason I bought any of it, was the idea that as teenagers, we are selfish and we look out for #1. It’s easy to throw away advice and ignore chats like that in HS, but it doesn’t mean we are right.

      • You make a lot of great points there. I thought Linklater gave you hints that Army dad and Mason don’t’ get along. His dismissive comment about his nails, and just the looks he was giving Mason. Never in does he try to have conversations with Mason, he just talks down to him and is always him telling him what to do. And again I’m not saying Mason’s reaction was correct, just very realistic in that situation. Mason is in the rebellious years as a teenager, has had no structure really at all, and has not had a consistent father figure in his life. If that scene was played differently and he had a ‘Thanks Dad’ moment I think it would have rung untrue. I get why you would dislike him. I agree he is not the most likable character at all. But for me that added to the authenticity. I can understand why it would be difficult to get through when you are not a fan of the character. I guess for me I’m fine if I don’t think the lead is a good person as long as him or the story around him is interesting, or I can understand where his attitude is coming from.

        • Yeah I get what you’re saying, and from a narrative perspective, I agree it was the right reaction within this specific story. But as I mentioned on the show, it was just more of a personal disappointment for me because I wanted to like Mason all the way through. You can be apologetic while still being a rebellious teenager, which is I guess what I would’ve rather of seen, but it still technically works well. Again, it’s not so much a criticism as it is a personal disconnect, if that makes sense.

          But I’m with you, if the themes or story is interesting, I’m on board with unlikable characters, which this was for me too. I just wish it played out differently.

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